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The Publisher

database-publishing-softwarePublisher 1

To effortlessly and dynamically generate or distribute publications on different channels, choosing the InBetween Publisher is the right decision. Make your publications easily available online and grant your partners on-demand access to your current publications.

Need different languages, currencies, measurements, or even individual product segments? No problem. With the InBetween Publisher, you can dynamically design, update, and create publications with just a few clicks based on these parameters.

The InBetween Publisher is a self-service portal. Through user identification, the tool can even take over the selection of dynamic parameters completely by itself. Your distributors, dealers, sales, or service staff just have to select the publication and set parameters – and immediately receive the appropriate result in the correct language, currency, measurement unit, or with the desired assortment.

Long story short...

Online publication service / web application
Simplest application (“at the push of a button”)
Configurable user interface
Creation of all types of documents (e.g., catalogs, price lists, data sheets, etc.)
Simplest distribution to target groups (dealers, partners, sales, branches, etc.)
Fully or highly automated
Synchronizes with PIM, data always up-to-date

Use Cases

Distribute publications online

Would you like to give partners such as dealers, subsidiaries, or sales representatives access to current publications? InBetween allows you to dynamically generate your publications directly from the web. By setting a few parameters on a simple web page, users can create exactly the publication they need and download it immediately in the desired format. You can distribute publications online and embed the InBetween Publisher in self-service portals.

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