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Catalogue Production Time Reduced by
Three Quarters

Learn more about this outstanding success story:

Achieving Higher Communication Quality via Automation

How to reduce the time spent for catalogue production to a quarter of the original time, is demonstrated by Sto AG‘s example, who not only saves valuable time, but can furthermore observe enhanced quality achieved by consistent automation of the publication process.
Sto AG, as a leading international manufacturer of products and systems for wall claddings and coatings, has a core product range, which is comprised of both thermal insulation systems and
high-quality cladding elements, as well as plaster and paints for buildings‘ interiors and exteriors. In this very significant segment, carrying over brand promises and product quality into product communications is important.

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This is what you get

Project highlights:

    1. 12 price lists and product programs in 2 language versions are produced annually under high automation.

    2. Common database considerably improves data consistency.

    3. Upgrade to InBetween ENTERPRISE Plus reduced the original effort by 50%.

    4. All country and language variants are produced using the same process.

    5. Language variants are output just by exchanging data exports.

    6. All product and article data, as well as publication structure are maintained in SAP.
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