Unlock 2023
Future-Proof with PX

Round table
Championing the importance of Product Experiences across any organization can be difficult. But how do you do this across a massive group with 15 multiple business units in many countries?
In this session, we’ll learn how one company did it as Product Experience Manager Liza Marasinghe guides us through specialty materials manufacturer Arkema’s success.
She’ll describe their journey of embracing a company-wide vision, pooling and coordinating master data, and a Digital publishing transformation that has been a game changer for their product experience management and an accelerator for growth.
Arkema SA is a global leader in Specialty Materials serving major societal and ecological challenges with innovative materials for a sustainable world.
Check out the Unlock 2023 InBetween team

Alexander Dressler

Peter Flory
Director Sales

Serge Salomon
Senior Consultant

Türkan Siemer
Sales Consultant
Looking back -
HIghlights from unlock 2022

InBetween Akeneo Print App
The new Akeneo Print App – powered by inBetween was presented. Effortless control and maximum efficiency at a high pace is possible. This comprehensive online solution creates the basis for successful collaboration – whether you produce digital or print publications.

Embrace digital publishing to enhance product experince
Enjoy an exciting talk with our customer SWISS KRONO Group about expanding possibilities for growth by embracing brand consistency and innovation across different omnichannel digital experiences with customers.

Best of unlock 2022
After 2 long years of social distancing and uncertainty nearly 600 people met at the historic La Maison de la Mutualité for 3 days of inspiring keynotes and roundtables, super valuable customer testimonials, product roadmap insights, hands-on sessions, and a memorable party!